Docker Swarm vs Nomad

May 27, 2022


When it comes to container orchestration, Docker Swarm and Nomad are two popular choices. Both offer robust solutions for managing and deploying containers. Docker Swarm is maintained by Docker Inc., while Nomad is an open-source project maintained by HashiCorp. In this blog post, we will provide an unbiased comparison between the two, including numbers where possible.


One of the primary concerns in container orchestration is scalability. Both Docker Swarm and Nomad offer scalable solutions, but their approaches differ. Docker Swarm uses a swarm manager and worker nodes to distribute containers across nodes. Nomad takes a different approach, using a job scheduler to deploy and manage jobs across nodes.

In terms of scalability, Nomad has an edge over Docker Swarm. Nomad can scale up to thousands of nodes without any issues, while Docker Swarm can scale up to only a few hundred nodes.


When it comes to features, both Docker Swarm and Nomad offer robust solutions. Docker Swarm is integrated with the Docker ecosystem, making it easy to use if you're already using Docker. It offers features like built-in load balancing and automatic service discovery.

Nomad, on the other hand, offers features like dynamic scheduling, automated rollouts, and scaling. It also provides integration with other tools like Terraform, Consul, and Vault.

In terms of features, Nomad has an edge over Docker Swarm due to its flexibility and integration with other tools.

Ease of Use

Both Docker Swarm and Nomad are relatively easy to set up and use. Docker Swarm is particularly easy to use if you're already familiar with Docker. It also comes with a built-in graphical user interface (GUI) that makes managing containers easy.

Nomad, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve due to its flexibility and integration with other tools. However, once you've learned how to use it, it becomes relatively easy to manage and deploy containers.

In terms of ease of use, Docker Swarm has an edge over Nomad due to its familiarity and built-in GUI.


When it comes to performance, both Docker Swarm and Nomad offer excellent performance. Docker Swarm has a smaller footprint and faster startup times, making it ideal for smaller projects. Nomad takes a bit longer to start up but offers excellent performance for larger projects.


Both Docker Swarm and Nomad offer robust solutions for container orchestration. Docker Swarm is best suited for smaller projects as it offers faster startup times and a smaller footprint. Nomad, on the other hand, is best suited for larger projects due to its flexibility and scalability.

In terms of scalability and features, Nomad has an edge over Docker Swarm. However, in terms of ease of use, Docker Swarm has an edge over Nomad. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on your specific needs and preferences.


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